Energy Procurement Consulting - ROZO

Energy Procurement Consulting

Since 1 January 2016, which brought the end of regulated rates for professional users of natural gas and electricity, consumers have been faced with volatile energy prices for market offerings as well as a proliferation of energy companies and providers. This brings added complexity to energy procurement, since it’s not easy to know which companies you should turn to and when.

Manufacturers, service-sector firms, local and regional authorities, consumer associations: they’re all confronting this same issue.

ROZO helps you conduct calls for tenders to renew your gas or electricity contracts, so you can choose the most appropriate providers. We can also help you target the most favourable periods, based on fluctuations in the markets.

Once you’ve signed a contract, our role is to save you time by reviewing your bills for accuracy and managing any problems that may arise with your supplier.

We also optimise certain parameters that are independent of your provider, such as the TURPE*, and we can guide you through the process of obtaining tax reductions or exemptions for the domestic consumption taxes on electricity (CSPE**) and natural gas (TICGN***).

*TURPE: Tarif d’Utilisation des Réseaux Publics d’Électricité (tariff for use of the public electricity network).

**CSPE: Contribution au Service Public de l’Electricité. This tax was set at €22.50/MWh as of 2017.

***TICGN: Taxe Intérieure de Consommation sur le Gaz Naturel. This tax was set at €8.45/MWh as of 2018.


The ROZO's

  • A knowledge of the energy market and its players;
  • Detailed analysis of your needs;
  • Monitoring of your results after you contract for service.
  • An objective perspective on suppliers, since our remuneration comes from our clients.
  • Energy cost reductions and the potential for added profits.

Write to us for a quote

Or call +33 (0)1 42 49 76 76
(not overcharged number)

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